
UNet Studio Pre-release

U-Net Studio is a standard alone executive program written in C++. The only dependency is CUDA Toolkit and Libtorch DLLs. To use U-Net Studio, download the zip file from the link and uncompress it to any folder. There is a install_win.bat script to install CUDA Toolkit and Libtorch DLLs. After it finishes, just run the program.

OS Install
Windows (7+) (1) download the zip file and unzip it to a folder.
(2) run install_win.bat to install pytorch DLLs (~3GB) and CUDA toolkit (~2gb)
MacOS 13
MacOS 14
MacOS 15
To run it, you need to enable permission.
On MacOS 15, the system may show the app is damaged because it is not notarized (requires $99 per year). To bypass Gatekeeper, run the line below in the terminal:
xattr -rd /path/to/
Ubuntu 22.04 cuda Need CUDA 11.8 and Pytorch installed

To update U-Net Studio, just replace the .exe file and the models stored under the network folder.


FC Yeh, "Brain MRI Segmentation using Template-Based Training and Visual Perception Augmentation", arXiv:2308.02363, 2023.


U-Net Studio is free for academic or research purposes under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).